PureBamboo居家套裝 (1個月用量)
PureBamboo居家套裝 (1個月用量)
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PureBamboo居家套裝 ( 1個月用量)
.竹卷紙 - 2條(24卷)
.家庭裝 - 2條(8包)
.竹廚紙 - 1條(5包)
PureBamboo | 香港獲獎環保品牌|純天然100%竹漿製造
‧ 天然竹琨抑菌
‧ 無漂白、增白劑及香料
‧ 無添加有害化合物致癌物
‧ FSC100%受監管竹林取材
‧ 符合FDA食品級安全認證
‧ ISO國際系統管理生產
‧ 經高溫蒸煮消毒製造
‧ 無粉塵、堅韌柔軟
‧ 吸油吸水力強
{ 健康安全、無染地球,對地球負責任生產及供應 }
- 下單完成付款後,將不能修改或取消訂單。
- 下單後3個工作天內,將會收到運輸司機電話聯絡, 預約送貨時間。
- 如果貨物有任何內包裝損毀,需要在7天內聯絡我們作出更換。
- 如有任何查詢,歡迎電郵 info@purebamboo.com.hk。
- 其他詳情請參閱https://www.purebamboo.com.hk/。
- 以下情形無法受理退換貨條件:商品收貨已經超過7天。
如有爭議,PureBamboo Hong Kong Limited 將保留最終決定權。
Terms and Conditions
- Once the order and payment are finalized, there will be no changes can be made.
- After finalized the order, delivery service will contact the customer to arrange delivery within 3 business days.
- If the goods arrive damaged within, please contact us within 7 days for exchange.
- For enquiry or exchange in goods, please contact us at info@purebamboo.com.hk
- For more information, please visit our website: www.purebamboo.com.hk
- Our policy lasts 7 days. If 7 days have gone by after you have received the items, we cannot offer you an exchange.
PureBamboo Hong Kong Ltd. reserves the final right to suspend, modify or terminate this event and/or any of the terms and conditions without prior notice. In case of dispute, the decision of PureBamboo Hong Kong Company Ltd. shall be final.